Intensive In-Home
Services are geared for individuals ages 5-21 in order to prevent the need for an out-of-home placement such as foster care, psychiatric hospitalization, group home, residential program, correctional placement, and/or to assist with the transition back into the home from any of the aforementioned placements. Traditionally, clients receive 8-10 hours per week (up to 15 in the case of a crisis situation) of evidence-based, solution-focused interventions based on individual strengths and limitations essential to restore the family to an acceptable level of functioning. Services are initiated immediately upon receiving the referral (within 24 hours) and last for approximately 6-9 months. Counselors are available to the clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Treatment is designed to assist the client while maintaining a healthy functioning family system.

Intensive In-Home
Things we look for:
Risk for Home Removal
Mental Health Diagnosis
Displaying High Risk Behaviors

CATCH Can Help
Address areas such as: mental health and substance abuse symptoms, parenting skills training, crisis response, school attendance and other school-related issues, alcohol and drug use issues, delinquent behaviors such as gang violence, anger management, blended family issues, and conflict resolution.