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Fatherhood Programming

Using the NFI FatherTopics™ Collection for Non-Custodial Dads C.A.T.C.H. would facilitate five sessions (Mobile or Location Based) that provide non-custodial/custodial fathers with information on and the ability to explore their knowledge, attitudes, emotions, and behavior on the following topics that are critical to their success as fathers:


  • Workforce Readiness

  • Rights & Responsibilities

  • Visitation

  • Child Support

  • Money Management

NFI 24/7 Dad Curriculum

  • Self Awareness

  • Caring For Self

  • Fathering Skills

  • Parenting Skills

  • Relationship Skills




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Fathers Standing United

(NFI FatherTopics Collection for Non-Custodial Dads)

  • Workforce Readiness: This session provides fathers with information about the importance of being gainfully employed and emphasizes the balance needed to handle the demands of employment and parenting. Fathers meet a local career or workforce readiness expert and discuss the issues and challenges related to finding and maintaining employment.

  • Rights and Responsibilities: This session helps fathers to understand their legal rights as fathers and, specifically, their rights as non-custodial parents. Fathers learn to appreciate their parental responsibilities from a moral, legal, financial, emotional, and holistic perspective. Fathers have the opportunity to assess their ability to serve as a both a nurturer and guide to their children.

  • Visitation: This session focuses on the purpose and goals of fathers’ visits with their children, what the fathers should look for to evaluate the success of visits, and what the fathers can do to have successful visits with their children.

  • Child Support: This session helps fathers to better understand the importance of providing child support. They learn what this type of support means for their children and for their self-identification as a father. This session emphasizes the value of all types of support given by a father (e.g. financial, emotional, and physical). Fathers meet a local child support expert/representative and learn about child support enforcement and how to navigate the child support system.

  • Money Management: This session helps fathers to understand the costs associated with raising a child. Dads learn how to access and best use/leverage government assistance (e.g. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—[formerly known as food stamps], and Medicaid) as a means to provide for their children now and in the future and as temporary assistance during times of unemployment or underemployment. A money management expert discusses with fathers the value of creating and maintaining a budget and planning for their children’s future. Fathers also have the opportunity to complete a budget as a way to become a better money manager and provider for their children.

Fatherhood in 15

Using the NFI 24/7 Dad curriculum C.A.T.C.H. will increase each participants knowledge of the five characteristics of being a better Dad. Everything learned during participation will revolve around one or more of the characteristics learned.
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NFI 24/7 Dad Curriculum

  • SELF AWARENESS: a dad needs to be aware of himself as a man and aware of how important he is to his family. He know his moods, feelings and emotions; He is responsible for his behavior and knows that his growth depends on how well he knows and accepts himself. He also knows that his ability to be with his children is affected by the choices he has made and accepts responsibility for his choices.
    How well do I know myself?

  • CARING FOR SELF: A Dad takes care of himself he gets annual physicals, eats the right foods, works out to stay in shape, and learns about the world he lives in. He has a strong connection to his family and community, and chooses his friends who support his healthy choices. Dads will learn how to model good behavior that’s respectful to himself, women and others.
    How well do I care for myself?

  • FATHERING SKILLS: Dad should know their role in the family. Dads will learn he is a model for his sons on how to be good man and father and for his daughters on what they should look for in a husband and father for their children to come. He will learn that if possible he should be involved in the daily life of his children; parent-teacher conference, sports, doing homework together and tucking them in at night.
    How well do I "Father?"

  • PARENTING SKILLS: Dads will learn how to nurture his children. Dads will learn that his parenting skills are essential to develop their physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and creative needs. These needs are crucial to creating trusting and safe relationships with his children. Dads will learn use education and appropriate discipline to guide his children, not threats, harm or corporal punishment.
    How well do I "Parent?"

  • RELATIONSHIP SKILLS: Dads will learn to build and maintain healthy relationships with their children, wife/mother of his children, other family members, friends, and community. He will learn the value of how relationships shape his children and their lives. Dads will learn the relationship with his wife/mother of his children affects his children and will do his best create/maintain his relationship for the sake of his children.
    How well do I relate?

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